What to say?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

3 months since I last blogged...due to busyness, uneventful-ness or lack of photos-ness. Had wanted to put up a post on V-day, but my dear Hun has not yet sent me the photos.

But today the blogging bug bit me so decided to put an entry...been an interesting week. Ah Fu has been sick...cute and poor thing at the same time. He has an eye infection and fever...the eye infection caused him the not be able to open his
eyes fully...quite amusing to see him walking around (or rather just lying down on the sofa the whole day) with his eyes half closed.

Yesterday I took urgent leave to take him to the vet. Pushed him in the market trolley...tho sick, he was certainly enjoying the view as I pushed him along :)

The next eventful thing that happened is regarding my last pay...I'm unhappy abt the way it has been calculated...I raised the issue...HR gotten back to all of us as a general info...reasons they gave: unconvincing. There's a huge discrepancy in the calculation depending on the time you resign...and the reason they gave for the resignation is n
ot justified at all!! All the talk about making things fair...when u calculate, there's no fairness either way!!

I'm inclined to believe that they are out to cheat money from me....but that's negative thinking, I'll give them a chance to explain things further. Not that I'm expecting my last pay to change...but just wanted to raise it up before I leave....

Conclusion: I'm frustrated and upset and totally apalled
at things that are done at higher levels...terrible....do they know what they are doing? Or rather, do they even care?

Well well....unhappy things aside...let me end my blog with a cute picture of my little patient being wheeled to the clinic on his wheel chair...he does look quite pathetic doesn't he?