Well, well, well...who would have thought that at some tucked away corner of Ang Mo Kio would exist a well-known zi cha stall called Mellban Seafood restaurant?? I went there for a sumptous dinner last night. Celebrated the birthdays of Hun's mom, Alvin and me!
Here's wat we ordered, and my reviews on each of the dishes:
1. Seaweed Seafood Soup - Rating 2.5/5
It's a big portion! But the taste so so only.
2. Playboy Chicken - Rating 3/5
It's sweet, sour and a little spicy. Tastes more like Thai-style chilcken tho, just with a more fanciful name.
3. Fried Kai Lan Miao with 3 types of Mushrooms - Rating 3.5/5
Tho the veg tastes a little bitter, but somehow I liked the taste of it!
4. Cereal Prawns - Rating 2.5/5
I've tasted much nicer ones elsewhere, quite dissappointed actually cos this is the first dish of cereal prawns that tastes mediocre.
5. Deep Fried Tofu - Rating 4/5
This dish is nice! And it tastes great with the lemon sauce :)
6. Creamy Butter Crabs - Rating 6/5!
This is the nicest crab dish I've ever taster in my life!
It was a nice and enjoyable meal together with Hun's family. Am glad that Hun's mom liked the gift I bought her. Actually I like the earrings myself very much too!! I also received a present from Hun's parents...a bottle of perfume - just wat I needed since my bodyshop one is running out soon!
Thank God for the evening!
Entering a new phase...
Nice birthday at Mellben
Friday, October 14, 2005
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Friday, October 14, 2005 1 comments
Thursday, October 13, 2005
The bravest thing I did in 2005....I actually killed a cockroach!!
I couldn't help it..it was blocking my way. It had to crawl about on the door which I needed to exit. I had no choice. Took the ever faithful Sheltox and sprayed till it dropped dead. It's feelers were still moving as it turned turtle...but I guess it was safe enough for me to pass through.
I'm glad it wasn't the flying kind!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, October 13, 2005 0 comments
Through the eyes of a child...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I wish that my family can be happy again,
that they can get along.
I just wish for a family that love each other,
a family that I can love.
I'm not even scared of becoming poorer!
I just want a family that can get along and love each other."
Maybe we call should learn the very values that we teach our children: LOVE, FORGIVENESS, HOPE.
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 0 comments
Birthday Celebrations at Essential Brew
Yesterday, the Clementi Cell celebrated birthday for the October babies. It was meant to be a surprise, and it was indeed a pleasant one :)
We had a great time at Essential Brew as we talked over....guess wat?? The Channel 55 shows...Jin Zhi Yu Nie (War and Beauty) & Da Chang Jin (Jewel in the Palace). So interesting to know that there are actually ppl who follow these shows like me...haha...
Towards the end, we had a brownie with a scoop of ice cream as our birthday cake, and each of us received a present. I got a Lavender scented hand cream from Crabtree & Evelyn :)
Was a simple yet enjoyable gathering!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 0 comments
Dedicated to Fusuke!!
Here it is! The segment all about my cutest little pup :)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 0 comments
Happy Birthday Fusuke!!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Today is Fusuke's 6th birthday!! This post was meant be a tribute to my cutest little puppy :) However, because all my pictures of him are in my office comp...dunno why I didn't save a copy in my home PC. Well, guess I've gotta do it in office then!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Saturday, October 08, 2005 1 comments
Letting go...Am I ready?
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Was reading Philippians 1 from ODB (Our Daily Bread) this morning, and I think God was speaking to me in His still small voice about the matter that has been troubling me in my heart...
~Phi 1:22-24~
Similarly, I face the same 2 roads...to go to a place which I'm not yet comfortable in, to play the role of an encourager, server and perhaps mentor and leader, or stay at where I'm comfortable in and enjoy being served by other leaders? Of course I can serve in the latter...but it's different to "meet a need" and to "value-add". I feel I'm faced with these 2 options...do I want to "meet a need" or "value-add" to God's Kingdom?
~Rom 7:19~
It's really hard letting go...really hard. But at least I have the assurance of my Saviour and King, and the support of my loved ones. I thank God that He has been opened the ways to make the transition easier for me. Now I would like to give thanks to God for:
- Once again, my mother who has admonished, corrected and guided me well;
- God for giving me assurance and peace through the uncertainties;
- God for placing warm and friendly friends in CPC to help in my adjustment process;
- God for giving me the experiencing of joining the TCC cell, where I got to know more supportive christian friends, and who understands my position;
- For Hunny, who has always been supportive of my decisions and is ever so accomodating.
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead...
I'm gonna groove, gonna groove,
Gonna groove, gonna groove, gonna groove!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, September 29, 2005 1 comments
Monday, September 26, 2005
Found myself experiencing symptoms of stress these few days...have been having complicated and bizzare dreams...have also been experiencing not being able to wake up from my sleep. It's like I wake try very hard to wake up, and when I do, I find that I'm still in my dreams...
Had a few shocks in the past few weeks and maybe I'm still recovering from it....
Firstly, I thot my family would be settling down in TCC...but lo and behold! Mom got an impression by the Holt Spirit to go to serve in the mandarin service of CPC. So we went there to the church for the mandarin service for the first time. When I was there, many ppl were happy to see us. They said that we were their answered prayer....I was somehow roped into helping out at the CCIS this year. So I agreed...being me, I simply don't know how to refuse ppl's request for help. Well now, I've had my first meeting on thurs for the CCIS thingy and am actually looking forward to it. It's gonna be pretty exciting I figure :)
Next, I started to join the TCC YA Cell thereabout the time where we were trying out CPC...I like the group as the ppl there are about my age, and most of them were couples like Hun and myself. I told myself that I'm comfortable there and would be reluctant to join another cell. But I did it again!! I actually asked someone from CPC last sunday to introduce me to a cell group!!
I think I'm really stressed....I dunno what has gotten into me...I'm getting incoherent between my thoughts and actions, I think one way and act another. And I end up getting confused and feeling very unsettled and unsure. But at the bottom of it all, I know what I'm doing is right. Is this His peace? It's hard to describe....it's like deep down inside me, I'm settled, unshaken, but above the layer of solid foundation, there's turbulence...much like the Tsunami! it happens on the surface only, but the sea bed is not really affected much. Is this good news for me then? I guess it is...
The next shock...I was expecting to CO-RUN triple P with someone from MCYC...but lo and behold again!! The plan wasn't for me to CO-RUN!! No no no.....I was to be the main facilitator, but my co-facilitator, who has experience in running the group, will coach and supervise me. Which is a good opportunity and exposure for it, and I do thank God! Just that it still was a shock nevertheless....
Lastly, the internal audit thingy...I dun even wanna think about it! Maybe it's cos everything is just happening altogether...and my Pooh-bear philosophy is forced to take the back-seat and I'm forced to face the real-world. I'm not in my arena anymore...Pooh-bear theory does not apply in this instance! Maybe that's why I'm feeling unsettled...
The months ahead look bleak...I'm attending a different church and cell from Hun...I'm working late every Wed nights....I'm clearing my leave but instead I feel more stressed taking leave than not taking it (can you imagine??!!)...I've NO TIME FOR PAK TOR!!!...I'm conducting a parenting group for the first time in my life!!
I'm carrying a few burdens...walking on a tight-rope while the earthquake is going on...I've full confidence I can reach the end point successfully... but just that the process of walking is just so hard!
This thought is flashed back in my memory as I'm writing this...It's often said that God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the A and the Z...But He's also the God from the B to the Y. What a comfort to know this!! This is inspired from the album "Welcome Home" by Ron Kenoly....there's a song in it that tells of my situation now and what I should it..it goes like this:
If you're going through Hell, don't stop!
You go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead!!
Greater is He that is in me,
Than he that is in the world
Remember: No weapons formed against you shall prosper!
And every tongue that rises against you, you shall condemn!
You have authority over the enemy
You have authority as a believer
You have authority in the name of Jesus!
So I'm gonna groove, gonna groove, gonna groove, gonna groove, gonna groove!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, September 26, 2005 1 comments
Just the way you are
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Awww...such a sweet song...sorta an oldie, but I really love it! Hunny...this is for you ;)
You never let me down before
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are
Don't go trying some new fashion
Don't change the color of your hair
You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care
I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are.
I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you.
I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, September 21, 2005 0 comments
Sudden realization....
After the meeting for the 3P groupwork. Suddenly realised that I've actually got so much responsibility for this group!! My co-facilitator is also my mentor for doing the group. She'll be sort of my advisor...while I do most of the teaching and facilitation.
I mean, this is freaky!! It's the first time I'm doing this man! And we're gonna be paid a substantial sum of money for this!! Now I'm starting to think that clearing my leave at this point in time is not such a good idea afterall...Feeling stressed already.
Funny thing is that the process of applying of leave is so stressful in itself...have to go through the eleave system. Can you imagine I took 30 mins to just try to apply leave for 10.5 days??!! I mean, computers are supposed to make the job easier right? But apparently is has made life more miserable....I can only think of 1 group of pple who benefit from this eleave thing..that's the administrators....
Come to think of it..it doesn't really cut down work does it? It does cut down the administrator's work, but increases the social workers'/counsellors' work!! It's just a "blow wind blow" situation where work is redistributed!! Ditto to the ECMS...
Oh well, we're living in a modern society so gotta keep up. No wonder more and more ppl are having depression, stress and anxiety...we modern folks think we're doing less with the aid of modern technology, but actually we're doing extra work to ease someone else's job. We dun even realise that sometimes and wonder why time is never enough!
Is there really so much work to do in this world? Why do our tasks seem neverending?
Picture this...a man is digging a hole while his friend is trying to fill it up....I think this describes our work best!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, September 21, 2005 0 comments
Quidam and mooncake season
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Now is the Quidam and mooncake season!
Went to watch Quidam with the youths from tEEEnz (a programme ran by my agency), together with 2 other colleagues and Hunny. It was nice! Seamless and the perfomers were very, very good at their respective items. But I still prefered Alegria to Quidam cos Alegria is much brighter. One gives a very cheery and happy mood...that of celebration, the other's theme is somewhat darker and gloomier. Can be seen in their names too: Alegria means "jubilation" in Spanish, while Quidam means "nameless passer-by". Nonetheless, it was a good show, and I remain intrigued at how those stunts are even possible!
Tis also the mooncake season and I've made 3 attempts at making the snow skin mooncakes. Realised that it's no easy feat!! preparing the tau sar and the leng yong took quite a bit of time oredi!! and I still had the skin to contend with. However, I'm getting a better grasp of it each time I try it, and thankfully it tastes better each time too!! Yeah!!
I'm left with 1 last try before the mooncake festival is over. Hope this next batch turns out fine!!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, September 13, 2005 1 comments
"My mini adventure" - Through the eyes of Walnut
Thursday, September 08, 2005
You can imagine my panic! What was I to do without the safety my home and my most loved wheel?? What can a helpless little hamster like me do? At times these, I really wish my pal Peanut was still around....he would have know what to do....*sigh*
When I found myself down below the cliff which my high and mighty tower is situated, I remembered the works mom used to tell me,"Should you ever find yourself away from home, look for the nearest cave and hide there. It's a BIG world out there...you never know what dangerous things can harm you." So off I went in search of a cave...and Lady Luck was smiling at me, because I soon found one not too far away!! It's a strange looking cave. Rectangular in shape and has yellow and blue walls. I think this cave is in the opposite cliff from where I'm staying.
Nonetheless, I went inside, hoping with all my heart that there's nothing dangerous there. As I went in, I found no one else and decided to rest for the night. I got a little hungry..but more tired from the ordeal...and before I knew it, I fell asleep.
When morning came, I heard the familiar sounds which I hear every morning. The humans have arrived. They always arrive soon after sunrise. I saw them looking around at my collasped tower. They must have discovered I was missing!! Should I go out from my cave and shout for help? But yet I'm afraid. What would they do to me? I've always seem them from the safety of my home. At times, they removed me by force and destroyed my home, and then pours sand all over me! And they would always put me in a well and laugh at me while I'm trying to escape!! Yet, after each trip to the wall, I find myself back to my home feeling fresh and clean. My home smells cleaner too! And there's always new food and water.
Are they friend or foe? I really don't know cos they seem to harm me at times, but yet at others, they seem to be nice and friendly. They looked worried and seemed to be looking around for me. Should I come out from my hiding place? But I'm just too afraid...perhaps they are angry at me for running away. Maybe they thought I pushed the tower down!!

Boy was I glad to be home! And I hope it doesn't collapse again!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, September 08, 2005 0 comments
Wonderfully blessed Bangkok trip
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Just came back from a greatly and wonderfully blessed Bangkok trip with Steve and our moms. Why is it blessed? Well, firstly I think our moms enjoyed themselves. Next, it was a good break from the daily routine of work. Then, the shopping was GGRRRREEEEAAAT!!! And the most amazing thing of all is that the weather was perfect!! We prayed for a cloudy weather ie lots of clouds but no rain..and all 5 days, it was such!! So it wasn't very hot at all!
I never shopped so happily in my life before cos everything there is just so affordable. We ate like king and queens too! Cos food there is good and cheap. Well, enough said....enjoy the photos! Picture paints a thousand words :)

The mothers

Mom and me

1/2 day tour - Visit to the Temple of Dawn
I really loved the architecture! So intricate and detailed!

Check out the walkway around the temple - zigzag pathways!

Me at the foot of the temple
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Saturday, August 27, 2005 1 comments
2 truncated posts in a row
Monday, August 08, 2005
Strangely...my two previous posts were both truncated.....dunno wat's wrong... Anyway, hope this one comes out fine...I shall not waste my effort trying to type too much...see how this one goes first. Keeping my fingers cross!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, August 08, 2005 1 comments
My blog was truncated!!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, August 04, 2005 0 comments
Almost another storm...
Well well....these few weeks have been rather stormy for me.....
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, August 04, 2005 0 comments
I've not blogged for ages....
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
In my last entry, I mentioned that I was going to take on an attachment student and be her supervisor....well, the placement of 10 weeks is now over. Yes, it has been that long since I last blogged. Not that anyone cares cos no one reads my blog anyway!
but now it's different, I've read some of the youth's blogs...and have decided to connect to them that way :) So for those of you whom I've given my blogsite (if that's what you call it)....be prepared to see a side of me you've never seen before...haha...
Oops...self-disclosure..hmm...well, nothing much to be ashamed of I guess...I guess I still need some getting used to....being open and frank and really baring my soul to ppl via my blog.
Hope I can keep up with this tho....cos me very "3 minute fever" one....can be very on one moment and get bored by it another. But well, this is a good way to keep friendships I guess :)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, August 02, 2005 2 comments
Long time no see
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Wow.....s'been loooooong since I last update my blog...no time to 'bake cookies' recently..haha! Anyway, I'm still alive and kicking! Guess things are more settled and resolved now so I dun need this avenue to really ventilate anymore.
Well, wat's new with me? I'm now undertaking the sacred task of imparting the passion for Social Work to 2 NUS students on placement here at my workplace. It's really fun! tho we're only into our 2nd week with the students =o) Kachang and myself are finding this experience very enriching...altho it does take alot of our time away! But it's worth it....kinda remind of why I started off in this field and why I'm still here.
also been uploading pictures onto my friendster. learnt that friendster has blog too! Anyway, one of the students asked me for my friendster...so thot I'd better do some housekeeping first before I give her my friendster contact..haha!
Well well....that's pretty much for now =o) Getting ready to go off and meet Hunny for our Salsa dance class tonight!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, May 17, 2005 2 comments
I'm back!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
It's been a long time since I last update my blog....I'm typing this as I'm talking to my Hunny. We just came back from a nice sumptuous dinner at Clementi Central. It's dad's birthday and the 3 of us gave him a treat =o)
It has been an eventful week....I had given a talk at NBPS, we had our once a month prayer meeting, I went to visit TCC, the Ho's have attended their final service...asd the highlight has gotta be the realisation once again of my financial difficulties....
But God has been good...the constant message this week has been to draw close to God inspite of trials and busyness and He will renew and fulfil us. I'm gonna try to do that this week =o)
Looking forward to a wonderful week ahead!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Sunday, April 24, 2005 1 comments
New Mosquitoe Exterminator!
Monday, April 18, 2005
Haha....I've got a new mosquito exterminator today =o) I've been brutally attacked by mosquitoes for the past 2 weeks and it's getting really unbearable. I've also suffered injuries on my skin due to excessive and uncontrolled scratching....*sobsob*....ok, I'm exaggerating....but I'm serious about the multiple mosquito bites on my hands.
Well, will be trying out my new toy tonight. I hope it's a good investment...cost me $28!! Dad paid but I returned him $20...Isn't he such a nice dad? but there goes my money for the rest of the month. Well, shall take the time to fast during lunch....need to pray regarding my ministry anyway!!
So excited! going to start my new dance class tomorrow!! I do hope my left leg recovers by then...cos I'm feeling pain in my calf(is this how u spell it?) muscles which is affecting my walking =o( Hope I can dance it away tmr...so excited!! So happy that Hunny has agreed to join the class with me and is paying for me! (or at least paying for me first =o)) He's such a sweetie!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, April 18, 2005 0 comments
Where shall we dance?
Monday, April 11, 2005
Had a chat with friends yesterday and found out that there are actually much cheaper lessons out there!! The one that I've signed up for costs $90 for 6 lessons. Found out from my friend that her ballroom dance course costs only $65 for 10 lessons! That's like almost half the price!
so I emailed the place I've signed up with to tell her that i might not be going for my lessons there anymore...anyway, I might not be able to make it for one of the lessons. So told her I'll confirm with her later.
Now...I'm gonna call up the less expensive place and make enquiries. Hopefully I can get a better deal from there!!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, April 11, 2005 0 comments
It WOrked!!
Friday, April 08, 2005
Hahaha! It worked! Now I have my photo on my profile =o) So proud of myself!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Friday, April 08, 2005 0 comments
BloggerBot's down...I can't upload any pictures!!
sigh....BloggerBot's down today...super suay..can't upload any photos. Just when I found out how to put a picture in my Profile! Damn!
Went to search online regarding this problem and found out that Blogger friends from all over the world is facing this same problem! For the brief moment, there's a sense of unity cos we're all in the same boat...haha!
Hope it comes online soon....I've already prepared a nice photo to put on my profile liao!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Friday, April 08, 2005 0 comments
Shall We Dance?
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Watched a short segment of the movie today....and I'm so inspired to learn how to dance the waltz and salsa!! Getting really excited about our dance class starting 2 Tuesdays from now too =o) I think dancing is something that can really bring a couple together and enhance the relationship. That explains why so many dance schools are set up by husband and wife teams!
In my profession, they always refer to marriage as a dance...and your spouse your dance partner. In a way, I think it's a beautiful analogy =o) Husband and wife waltz, tango, salsa their way through the marriage. In a dance, the more you dance with someone, the more you'll know their style and the more you can fit each other. I guess this is the same with marriage! The more you live with the person, the more you'll fit with him or her.
In a dance, you need practice to reach perfection. It's just the same in marriage too...you'll need practice on how to know and be sensitive to your spouse, you'll need practice on how to show love and how to be accomodating. I think the trouble with many marriages now is that the couple loses the perseverance and patience to work things out.
Call me a hopeless romantic, but I believe every marriage has the potential to have a happy ever after ending =o) Not because of the story books I read, but because if every couple applies God's principals into their marriage, there's no reason why things can't work out. For example the love verse (1 Cor 13:4-8):
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, April 07, 2005 0 comments
Lazy lazy afternoon....
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
It's a lazy day today......had meeting in the morning and now back in office with totally no mood at all to do any work. I'll be seeing my clt later in the afternoon.....but looking at the tons of unfinished admin work....I really feel super sian!!
Have been procrastinating for such a long time now that it doesn't seem to matter anymore whether I do them or not....but work has to be cleared. sigh....were talking these few days about our career in the social services.....There's been an increase in the no. of people who worked in the corporate world for some time before coming in to field. This, they say, gives them a sense of fulfilment. But for pple like us who jumped straight from the U into the field, we're feeling burned out and underpaid...maybe we should just go into the commercial world and work first...then return to the field to "actualize" ourselves!
This is a fulfilling job...but the pay is seriously too little! Had a chat with Hunny last night and he offered 2 suggestions...1. to work in the ministry...2. to work abroad where i'll definitely be more highly remunerated than here. Both seems good...but I guess for now, the idea of change still seems daunting...and for the typical moral responsible me...I feel that I should stay on to serve the agency after they have nurtured me and allowed me to go for so many courses. I never regretted choosing to work here cos it's really an ideal training ground for beginning social workers!
Thank u God for bringing me here =o)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, April 06, 2005 0 comments
Memorable yesterday...
Monday, April 04, 2005
Yesterday marked the end of 2 years since I got together with my Hunny....It's truly amazing how we stayed on together in this relationship for these 2 years. We've been through being physically separated (when he was in London for 7 months), quarrels, challenges in terms of different family upbringing.....but we stuck through..all to the glory of God! I believe if we weren't both Christians, we wouldn't have gone so far and overcome many obstacles big and small =o) Thank God!
We had a good time yesterday....3 hours at the Karaoke...just the 2 of us! And then we proceeded for a nice dinner at Coffee Club in Taka. While we were waiting to be seated, we saw Jamie Yeo and Glenn Ong right in front of us! She looks REALLY skinny real-life! Anyway, Hunny ordered a Garlic Prawn Pasta, and I got myself a country pie. Both were delicious =o) or perhaps it was the company that mattered =o)
After that we ordered desserts...1 Strawberry Ramanoff and a brownie which they named "Triple chocolate..." something....I think it used to be called Wicked Brownie..the strawberry dessert was NICE!! It's vanilla ice-cream with fresh strawberries and almond flakes, in fresh orange juice!! Imagine that! The brownie was nice too....just that it would have been perfect if the brownie was hot....Last but not least, we also ordered a pot of rose petal tea to share =o)
we sat there for 2 hours and talked about how we started off....I talked about my other ex-crushes and we also talked about how we're so sure about each other. Talked a little about our marriage plans too =o) So exciting! It's so amazing how when we both thought we weren't ready for marriage, God just opens up ways for us =o)
As a couple, we agree believe that God has chosen to pair us up for a greater cause...that our union may be a blessing to many others. We choose (to our best ability, altho there's alot of struggles and putting down of our own will in the midst) to let God control this relationship. we believe and are excited that every aspect of our marriage will be a blessing to others....right down to the details of our wedding, our house etc.
It was indeed a memorable yesterday....Today marks the start of our 3rd year together. May God be in the midst of our relationship and lead us more than ever before! I love you darling...Looking forward to yet another great year with you....this will be better than the first 2 =o)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, April 04, 2005 0 comments
April Fool's Day!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Today's April Fool's Day!! Haha...but no one played any practical jokes on me.
It's a good way to start the 2nd quarter of the year..I've started my gym regime again =o) After a 30min work-out, I went to weigh myself and found that I have gained back the 2 kgs that I lost when I last went to the gym.....*sobsob*....well, at least I did not put on more than before!! In any case, I'll be going to swim tomorrow....teaching mom how to swim...perhaps I can go for a steam bath session first!! Yeah!!
Counting down to my 2nd anniversary with my darling on 3rd April! Yeah!
Today's a happy day =o)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Friday, April 01, 2005 0 comments
Thursday, March 31, 2005
I'm totally disgusted! Disgusted at how some people can do something and go away scot free! Disgusted that nobody can, or rather are willing to do anything about it. Simply disgusted.....=o( Where in the world is justice? Has the justice become so diluted? I'm beginning to see that in our modern society, whether you face the consequences of your actions is no longer based on your actions per se, but rather on the reaction of others! If no one complains or reports your wrong doing, you get away scot free! Even tho there's a high chance that you're the one who did it! DISGUSTING!!
What ever happened to justice??!!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, March 31, 2005 0 comments
Yes it works!
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Yes yes! The uploading stuffs actually works =o) And this time, my pic did not come out in error. Yeah!! Just came back from buying gifts for our volunteers. We bought 60 cups and 35 CD pouches. Quite a good deal for a $100 budget! =o) Anyway, it was a good break from the office.
Have been feeling burned out these few weeks, probably because of church stuffs too. Am actually feeling a little apprehensive about writing all these on blog....but then again...who cares? What are the chances anyone I know come across my blog? In any case, I'm just writing my own opinions...not spreading rumours! Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and I totally fine if readers disafree totally with me too!
Anyway, I'm feeling so sleepy now...it's a heavy thunder storm outside...perfect weather for sleeping! and I've been having this throbbing pain in my left temple since morning. Not enough sleep? I don't think so cos I slept at 10:40 last night...that's more than 8 hours oredi! In any case, I can't wait for the day to be over!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 0 comments
Trying to upload photos again!
Me and my big darling =o)
Finally! I can post pictures again! Hope this doesn't become another error blog...am keeping my fingers crossed =ox
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, March 30, 2005 0 comments
Emotional today
Thursday, March 24, 2005
I asked Hunny to join me for dinner tonight and also to help me to carry Fusu-boy's food home. He had already planned to go for basketball games tonight with his colleagues. Initially he thot he couldn't go cos he can't find his shoes, but later on he found out that his colleague could lend it to him.
It's nothing much actually, just amused at myself for being so affected by his turning me down...he hardly turns me down, that's why maybe I'm finding it hard to accept "no" from him. Well well, I dun wanna be called a possessive girlfriend and create a racket abt him saying that he'd rather go for basketball instead. I can't be selfish and rob him of his well-deserved break and de-stress activity!
But still, I can't help feeling sad and disappointed....I'm just being silly abt it..I know.
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, March 24, 2005 0 comments
Dreams do come true!
Monday, March 21, 2005
No no....this is not related to my earlier post about the strange dream I had last night. I just had a meeting cum chat with my director regarding the programme that I'm undertaking. It's so exciting! I just shared my dreams with her about wanting to set up a family drop in centre and she seems supportive! I'm so happy =o)
My dream is to see that the other wing of my centre be converted into a bustling place where youths can drop in the jam, or play LAN games, internet etc....where children and come in to read or play with other children....and parents can come in to read stuffs on parenting, or we had hold mini seminars on parenting.
There'll be a snack corner runned by volunteers that serve beverages and finger foods with a small charge. The computer rooms will be carpeted and bright coloured walls, the children will have a small playground and a nice and cosy reading corner...there'll be some fun board games too! Parents will have a cosy sofa set with magazine racks and a mini library. And the jamming room...it'll be equipped with drums, electric guitar, mics, amps, electric piano etc.....What about the old folks? Hmm...I haven't think about that yet.
I can just picture it in my head now!! If only I can draw it out! So excited now! Thank God for the inspiration!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, March 21, 2005 0 comments
Strange dream yesterday
I had a strange dream yesterday night....I dreamed that I was with someone else instead of my Hunny! It was an old classmate.....even in my dream, I felt that something was wrong. It felt as tho he wasn't "The Right One", it's a strange feeling I must say. It's like I'm sure it's not him, it's someone else, but how come I'm with him?? It's like in my dream, I knew it was my Hunny, but yet my Hunny is not with me and i just cannot seem to remember him...it's really a strange feeling...
Well, the good part of the dream is that I dreamed that I was buying some shoes...it's a black shiny covered shoe with a rounded tip. Looks like those shoes that are in fashion now..those that look like ballet shoes. Anyway, it's black and shiny, and it has a nice pink ribbon on each shoe. Original price was $93.80, but the shopping centre was having a sale and they're selling any 2 pairs for $43. Don't ask me how I actually remember the price.....I'm quite amazed at myself too!
But sadly...as it always happens in good dreams...I woke up before I could buy the shoes....sigh...
I still remember how the pair of shoes look like tho =o) and I'll be definitely buying them if I happen to see them anywhere! Hopefully, this pair of shoes really do exist, and it won't be too expensive too!
What a way to start the week!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, March 21, 2005 0 comments
My first time.....
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Finally!! My very own blog....haha...not that there's anyone that i know who might read it.....but anyway....
Doing this on a thursday morn....sorta bored while at the same time waiting for someone to turn up for my appointment. so still sorta trying things out and playing around with the different functions....hopefully as days pass by, I'll get better at it!!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, March 17, 2005 0 comments