Yes it works!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Yes yes! The uploading stuffs actually works =o) And this time, my pic did not come out in error. Yeah!! Just came back from buying gifts for our volunteers. We bought 60 cups and 35 CD pouches. Quite a good deal for a $100 budget! =o) Anyway, it was a good break from the office.

Have been feeling burned out these few weeks, probably because of church stuffs too. Am actually feeling a little apprehensive about writing all these on blog....but then again...who cares? What are the chances anyone I know come across my blog? In any case, I'm just writing my own opinions...not spreading rumours! Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and I totally fine if readers disafree totally with me too!

Anyway, I'm feeling so sleepy's a heavy thunder storm outside...perfect weather for sleeping! and I've been having this throbbing pain in my left temple since morning. Not enough sleep? I don't think so cos I slept at 10:40 last night...that's more than 8 hours oredi! In any case, I can't wait for the day to be over!