Lazy lazy afternoon....

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

It's a lazy day today......had meeting in the morning and now back in office with totally no mood at all to do any work. I'll be seeing my clt later in the afternoon.....but looking at the tons of unfinished admin work....I really feel super sian!!

Have been procrastinating for such a long time now that it doesn't seem to matter anymore whether I do them or not....but work has to be cleared. sigh....were talking these few days about our career in the social services.....There's been an increase in the no. of people who worked in the corporate world for some time before coming in to field. This, they say, gives them a sense of fulfilment. But for pple like us who jumped straight from the U into the field, we're feeling burned out and underpaid...maybe we should just go into the commercial world and work first...then return to the field to "actualize" ourselves!

This is a fulfilling job...but the pay is seriously too little! Had a chat with Hunny last night and he offered 2 suggestions...1. to work in the ministry...2. to work abroad where i'll definitely be more highly remunerated than here. Both seems good...but I guess for now, the idea of change still seems daunting...and for the typical moral responsible me...I feel that I should stay on to serve the agency after they have nurtured me and allowed me to go for so many courses. I never regretted choosing to work here cos it's really an ideal training ground for beginning social workers!

Thank u God for bringing me here =o)