A few days ago, I had an adventure of my life. The tower structure that leads to my UFO viewing gallery collapse! I couldn't really remember, but I think I was sleeping in the UFO when the incident happened. I felt myself falling....and next thing I knew, I was not in my home!!
You can imagine my panic! What was I to do without the safety my home and my most loved wheel?? What can a helpless little hamster like me do? At times these, I really wish my pal Peanut was still around....he would have know what to do....*sigh*
When I found myself down below the cliff which my high and mighty tower is situated, I remembered the works mom used to tell me,"Should you ever find yourself away from home, look for the nearest cave and hide there. It's a BIG world out there...you never know what dangerous things can harm you." So off I went in search of a cave...and Lady Luck was smiling at me, because I soon found one not too far away!! It's a strange looking cave. Rectangular in shape and has yellow and blue walls. I think this cave is in the opposite cliff from where I'm staying.
Nonetheless, I went inside, hoping with all my heart that there's nothing dangerous there. As I went in, I found no one else and decided to rest for the night. I got a little hungry..but more tired from the ordeal...and before I knew it, I fell asleep.
When morning came, I heard the familiar sounds which I hear every morning. The humans have arrived. They always arrive soon after sunrise. I saw them looking around at my collasped tower. They must have discovered I was missing!! Should I go out from my cave and shout for help? But yet I'm afraid. What would they do to me? I've always seem them from the safety of my home. At times, they removed me by force and destroyed my home, and then pours sand all over me! And they would always put me in a well and laugh at me while I'm trying to escape!! Yet, after each trip to the wall, I find myself back to my home feeling fresh and clean. My home smells cleaner too! And there's always new food and water.
Are they friend or foe? I really don't know cos they seem to harm me at times, but yet at others, they seem to be nice and friendly. They looked worried and seemed to be looking around for me. Should I come out from my hiding place? But I'm just too afraid...perhaps they are angry at me for running away. Maybe they thought I pushed the tower down!!

Boy was I glad to be home! And I hope it doesn't collapse again!
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