hello again!

Friday, March 07, 2008

It's been such a long time since I last blogged! think the interest to blog has already died down now that there's facebook...haha...facebook is evil!

Well, it's been an emotional up and down for me the past few days. Was really disappointed at an event that didn't happen, but yet glad that it didn't anyway in view of another major event that's coming up.

Looking forward to my long break in April where I'll be going for a mission trip! Just attended a meeting on the trip yesterday and found out that it isn't going to be the free and easy kind. Rather, it's going to be quite tiring! But looking forward to it anyway.

To prepare ourselves, Hun and I are now going on a fast from all meat (except fish, cos we not confident enough to totally abstain from meat all together). It's been a week since we fasted, not too bad...still coping :) Maybe nearer the date, we'll need to set aside special prayer time for the trip to prepare ourselves!

Work wise, I'm coping better now...thank God! Not as stressed as previously when I felt like quitting everyday, still stressed though...but manageable. But I do feel tha if I could, to take a long break from working...but I still need the income!! Newly married couple still owing debts and instalment, cannot afford to shake leg and be tai tai yet.

I'm reminded of what my mother used to tell me about going into a marriage debt free. Now I know the importance of it! But sadly, in our society now, how is it possible to go debt free and without instalment when cost of living is so high now? Unless you are really rich, I don't see how one can pay for everything upfront when starting a family. Unless you work and work and save and save and get married at the age of 50. So to go into a marriage debt free is only possible for rich men's kids, rich young people, people who strike lottery, or found an abandoned bag filled with $1m cash....or more mature adults who are still single after they hit 40.

Well, but in any case, I'm glad I got married earlier and even if it means working a few more years before I fulfill my ultimate goal of becoming a full time tai tai, it's worth it! Marriage has been great so far :) of cos we had our fair share of squabbles...but they remain mainly squabbles and not quarrels. Hun has been very sweet and accomodating, I would say I find him even more tolerant than before we were married! And I guess I've become less emotional too...haha...So all in all, it has been a great 10 months! Time flies...and in under 60 days, we'll be celebrating our first year anniversary already :)

But for now, it's preps for the mission...and more after that...


amelia thinks said...

Any sounds of the pitter patter of little feet yet?

Cookie-Ling said...

Hi mummy! How's your little one? read about the weekend fever episode. but looks like Zach is fully up and about already! For me, no news of little one yet, which is good for now cos I won't wanna end up puking all the time during my mission trip! ;)