Thanksgiving for 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 has been yet another wonderful year. Just a post to recount the major blessings God has given to me this year:

January:Thanking God for a wonderful weather during our wedding photo shoot.

February: Thank God for giving us our Holland home during the HDB Walk-in selection.

March: Thank God for our keys to our Holland home! And thank God for seeing hubby's mom through her surgery safely.

April: Thank God for blessing our renovations and shopping for things for our home and wedding needs.

May: Thank God for a wonderful wedding. Thank God for a enjoyable and luxurious honeymoon. Thank for for our blessed union. Thank God for hubby's new job.

June: Thank God for the various gatherings with friends and family during our housewarming.

July: Thank God for my promotion and pay raise.

August: Thank God for starting our young adults cell group at our home.

September: Thank God for a good family trip up to Penang and KL paid by Dad!

October: Thank God for a good birthday celebration with family and hubby.

November: Thank God strength in facing my new challenge at work.

December: Thank God for yet another promotion at work. Thank God for a good celebration of Hubby's birthday. Thank God for a fun and heartwarming Christmas celebration at church. Thank God for Christmas!

And thank God for all the little blessings He has showered on me each and everyday of my life.

Looking forward to a blessed, God-led, victorious and exciting 2008!