
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I've been quite intrigued by Facebook recently that I've neglected blogging...haha! But facebook's really cool...found so many of my school days friends! When I came back this morning to take a look at blogger once again, realised that it wasn't so long ago that I had blogged....just 20 days ago.

Recently there's been some major changes at work, and some major impending changes...I've finally decided to take up the challenge posted before me. Really relying on God's strength to do this task!

Looking forward, I'm glad my study loan is coming to end! As it's near it's tail end, I've decided to dump my year end bonus into clearing it fully! Then I'll be official debt free! For my personal debts only lah....good also cos I can pay off more of the other loans we've incurred since we got married.

Actually my life feel like it's in a whirlpool now, so many changes which makes it so exciting! For now, I'm not so willing to try to think or imagine what it would be like...just take things as they come.

Pardon my vagueness in this post....will reveal more details when the time is ripe!