Murphy's Law at play...or the Devil's little schemes!

Friday, September 14, 2007

3 days before the Penang/KL trip with my family, I have this nagging headache that does not go away.

2 days before my trip I was informed that immediately the week after I'm back, there is going to be an audit.

1 day before the trip my mother-in-law has a serious fall and is admitted to hospital, AND the TV in my parent's home blew!

On the day I'm leaving a client tells me she has no place to stay by coming Tuesday (I will be in KL then), and I find out another client hasn't been totally truthful!

Coincidence? or foul play?

You could call it Murphy's Law...I call it the Devil's schemes!!


Steve said...

Well, rejoice! The reason why the devil is playing little schemes is becos we r gonna have a blessed trip! Praise the Lord :)