It's scary how people change...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's really scary how people can change so much, how selfish a person can be.

Had a talk with a family member last night about some issues and struggles he was facing, which left me realizing how inconsistent mankind can be. Because of material gains, friends can turn against each other, betray each other's trust, become bitter enemies. As christians, we are not supposed to be enemies with our fellow mankind, we forgive and let go of the hate and anger. But sometimes, after the forgiveness, the friendship may still be lost. Some hurts are just too deep for reconciliation. We could remain "hi/bye" friends but may forever lose the strong bond we used to share.

It makes me realise how fragile a relationship can be, be it romantic or platonic. Even as platonic friends, for a friendship to really last long, there needs to be giving of yourself, putting the other party first and being considerate of the other party. If a friendship is just based on your own needs, it's very difficult to maintain it.

Sometimes, even kinship are severed when a family member becomes very self-centred and will pay any price to get things done his way. But you can never sever blood matter what, how can you suddenly not become a parent, child or sibling? But for friends, thats a different thing, friendship can be severed.

I just find it saddening to find that friendships that used to be strong is broken down because of material gains. But beyond the material gains lies the real reason...selfishness, to gain for yourself at your friend's expense.

It's really sad for things to come to this wonder God gave us the commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves. God knew the wickedness of our hearts and had given us the solution long long ago. Such is God's wisdom, in man's eyes it may seem stupid not to fight for your own gains first, but God wanted to spare us from the heartaches and losses that results in our selfish actions.

We really ought to love one another as Christ loves us.