
Friday, September 07, 2007

It's really a test of my patience these days...working with some who are not easy to work with. At times I wonder why they behave the way they do...Work ethics which I have taken for granted are lacking. I used the think that as working person, you have to have a certain sense of responsibilty and accountability, and willing to take on work as assigned by the bosses. But somehow this quality is lacking...but yet the social worker self is trained to look at the positive most of the time, and I find myself struggling to confront the negative.

"Give one more chance" somehow always ends up as my modus operandi. When I want to confront, when I plan to confront, it always comes out as encouragement and affirmations of what was done well. Am I avoiding the unpleasant issues? Or have I done right to motivate and encourage? I really don't know.

Just hope things become better as the days go by...maybe I should learn to confront more!


Cherie said...

yah i find it hard to confront too =P but sometimes its neccessary.. for me i guess the prob is how to do it gently.. Pray that God will guide you to say the right thing at the right time!