On the recent tragedy....

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

First Singaporean to fall victim to acts of terrorism...it's tragic. Life is so unpredictable isn't it? Been browsing through come articles regarding this matter and the comments that other readers left...indeed our world is not what it used to be.

Yesterday I was just seeing a documentary about US security, how they build all those secret hiding places for the US government officials in the event of nuclear attacks. The documentary featured a former "hiding place" that was elaborately designed in terms of safety. Now they abandoned that place because it's location was leaked out. It's really awesome how such elaborate care is given to ensure the safety of the top people in the US.

But what struck me more deeply was something the narrator said...he narrated that in the past, in the early days of USA, the president could walk on the streets by himself, unaccompanied by bodyguards. Now, even with heavy security and bodyguards, the safety of the top US officials may not be guaranteed. It has become such an unsafe place.

I think the scary thing about terrorists is that you never know what they are planning to do, who they are targetting at and when they will strike. It's also scary to know that they are not a group of backward, uneducated barbarians, but have proven to be great strategists with high intelligence, some of which are even highly educated. And the most scary thing is that they do not seem to fear death...they are so passionate about what they do and are willing to give up their lives for their cause.

Perhaps it will take an equally passionate opposition force with the same "fight you till death" mentality to counter them, which up to today I'm not sure if anyone can match them in this aspect. Very scary...

Well, I guess the message is not to take safety for granted...even in the seemingly safe Singapore. I think undoubtedly God's hand of protection is over Singapore, to enjoy the safety we have now. May His blood covering continue to be upon Singapore and keep us safe in His hands!