Exams are OVER!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yes!! The exams are finally over! There's really a difference in this exams than my previous experiences...firstly, I'm not as stressed as when I was schooling cos I wasn't meeting the expectations of others, this time, this course of studies is one I embarked on my own will. No one to be accountable to for results, except God and myself. Probably also because I older now that I value the process more than the results...unlike schooldays which failure or poor grades means doom, this time round, the results are not nearly as important as what I've gained from going through the course. Of course I still hope for good grades!!

Not sure when the results will be out...but right now, I can relax for awhile as it's the term break! Yay!! No more night classes!!

Now gearing up and saving up for the next semester, which I think will be fun cos I'll be in the same class as Hubby for one of the modules...haha...

now it's time to get busy for church musical! busy busy days ahead are expected...but I think it's gonna be fun. Looking forward to our mini 2nd honeymoon to Sarawak! So so looking forward to the break! Excited too cos it'll be the first time Hubby and I are travelling by PLANE on our own...haha...mission trip not counted lah cos got one big group of friends who we went with...and all our other trips are by boat or bus...

Counting down...21 more days to go...yippee!!