
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I'm now officially a part-timer...part-time social worker, part-time student, part-time piano teacher, part-time housewife.

Have been looking forward to this day and it has finally arrived!! Started my part-time arrangement since beginning of October and absolutely loving it so far!! 1 Oct was a public holiday, so I started my part-time arrangement on 2 Oct. It was also my first lesson with my new piano student. God has really been good, about 2 weeks before I started as a part-timer, He already prepared for me 2 students. It's a challenge as this is my first time teaching piano and I really don't know what to expect! But trusting Him for the wisdom to tailor my lessons to suit my 2 very different students.

On friday, the second day of my part-time, I celebrated by cooking dinner! My first attempt at making Shepherd's Pie, which turned out quite well! So glad that after a long time, my kitchen smells like a kitchen again...I really enjoy cooking, so I'm looking forward to do that more often!

Studies on the other hand is starting to get stressful...assignments and the semestral exams are in about a month's time. And I have a paper due next week! I just realised that a couple of days ago...somehow I kept thinking it was due the week after next :s But on the whole, lessons have been enjoyable and I'm still managing well so far :)

Hope for more piano assignments to come my way that my salary is also proportionately reduced according to my work hours!