Attacked! But we're conquerors!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Due to the extreme busyness and lack of proper rest since 19 Dec 2006, I fell ill last week. Hun's down this week too. He was sick in bed on sat, and was having stomach upset since sunday till's been like 5 or 6 days. Seen the doctor once and was given some medication to stop his diarrhoea and also some good bacteria to fight the germs in his tummy. But he's still having those churning feeling in his poor thing!

Tink we're being attacked...the evil one is really trying to get us down! Cos we're both feeling the heightened stress about our wedding preps. We're less than 4 months away from the wedding and haven't found a flat yet! But we continue to trust in Him to provide a place for us. Thank God for placing my uncle who's a housing agent. It really helps to have him to advise and guide us. At the very least, we're both assured that his motivating factor is not to gain monetarily out of us! It was very nice and comfortable viewing with him as he gives genuine advise on whether the price quoted was really worth it or not....dun tink you get that from other housing agents cos afterall, they wanna earn your money.

Still I think we're very blessed :) And I thank God for the entire wedding preparation experience! I truly enjoyed my photoshoots very felt so romantic...taking our wedding pictures as a to describe it? Tink only those who've gone through it will know what I'm feeling :) Sweet!

Although it's really stressful, I can't wait for the day to's a strange feeling...haha...on the one hand I can't waith for 5 May to come...on the other hand, I think everything is happening too soon...hmm...well...I dunno. tink I'm just getting really excited about this whole wedding prep thing!



Steve said...

Praise God for His hands in all our wedding preparations, where each step will be a testimony of His blessing. Amen.
