New Furnitures!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Yesterday my uncle and aunt delivered some furnitures to my home. They're shifting house so they gave my family their sofa (a 3 seated + 1 single seater) and a bookshelf cum display cabinet. So after work, I went home with Hun to do some major furniture re-org!

My room now has a new look! The computer table was shifted out, replacing the shelf that was holding our fax machine and telephone. And that shelf was replacing another small shelf near my kitchen entrance.

My study table was shifted further right from where it used to be. It's now next to my wardrobe, leaving enough space for the wardrobe doors to be opened. The new bookshelf is assembled in my room, to the left of my study table.

My full length mirror, which was to the right of my study table was shifted across my bedroom and placed beside my small shelf that was next to the TV. Now my mirror is finally nearer to the light!!

My bed has to be rotated 90 degrees so instead of facing the TV, I'm now facing the door or the watching TV can pose a bit of problem cos I can no longet lie down and watch...sigh....

But already I'm having ideas of how to spruce up my room. I wanna a lamp to put at the small space beside the new book shelf. And I hope to buy wooden blinds for my windows. Then when I turn on the wall lamp and this together, my room will have a very cosy country feel! Yeah!

New furnitures, new tv, new digital SCV set-top box...I'm all set for the CNY! And mom has bought me 2 new dresses for the new year too! yeah :)

And of course, I won't forget to mention the huge study table my uncle and aunt has blessed me and Hun! And this table is so special because it's our very first piece of furniture. If it's so big, that means we have to have a big enough house with a big enough study room to put the shelf in! So excited to finding out the unit God has planned for me!

I'm so gonna have a blessed Chinese New Year!