I'm back...for awhile

Friday, January 05, 2007

Yes...it's been some weeks since my last entry....what have I been busy with? Let's see now..

18 Dec 06: Trial make-up & going to the tailor for making Hun's suit.
19 - 23 Dec 06: The CLOWN musical
24 - 26 Dec 06: Christmas Holidays
27 - 29 Dec 06: Back to Work...and busy with my D&D stuffs
30 Dec 06 - 2 Jan 07: Worship Practice, Watch Night Service, Shopping & Amore Spa
3 - 5 Jan 07: Back to Work again...and even busier with D&D stuffs

Don't feel that I've had a good break at all...busy with all areas of my life at the same time. 15th Jan's the photoshoots and I'm excited and stressed at the same time...then there's the housing issue. Don't think I'll get any less busy till my wedding is over!

And yes...I'm getting married THIS YEAR!!! It's THIS YEAR!! No longer next year....I have been looking forward to it for so long....but suddenly, it's like it's happening too fast...

K, gotta stop here and get back to work....dunno when will be the next time I have time for blogging...haha...