
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Today marks an important milestone....I'm mid-way through my pregnancy at 20 weeks! Week 20 announced its arrival with pains in the abdomen....was feeling this tight and sore feeling since yesterday afternoon all the way till today, although it is getting better since morning. My abdominal muscles feels like they are stretched like a rubber band...got a little worried last night when I woke up to use the bathroom and felt the consistent pain. Did some reading up on the internet and found that the pains I have seemed quite normal, so thank God for that.

Have been feeling a little bit of quickening on and off...not too sure if it's Baby stomach gases though it feels more like gas. Looking forward to feel that definite jab by Baby in the next few days or weeks! Hubby/Daddy is also looking forward to feeling Baby and is jealous of the flutterings that I feel now. He's been talking to Baby almost everyday and asking it to move more.

Now I catch myself wondering (and asking Baby) what Baby is doing now...I wonder if Baby gets bored inside me since it's confined to such a small space. I wonder what Baby is thinking or dreaming of...I wonder how it keeps itself entertained, what makes it laugh or cry, or if its capable of having emotions yet. At times I wonder how baby will look like. But because I don't feel Baby's movement distinctly yet, sometimes I don't feel pregnant with a baby inside of me...except for the ever thickening waistline and diminishing choice of clothes left that I can still fit in. It's scary how one pants can fit nicely this week and can't be buttoned by the next!

Monday will be the detailed scan at TMC, looking forward to meeting Baby again! Hope it's an active and healthy baby! Regarding gender, friends have asked me if I wanted to know...and my reply is a definite yes!! Besides the practicality of buying the right clothes, I would want to get mentally prepared to mother a boy or girl cos I think I'll parent them quite differently. I'm guessing it's a boy from the way my stomach is showing....we'll see in a few days time :)