Getting ready for school

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Did some final stationery shopping for my course this afternoon during my lunch break...and reminiscing the time when I was a student in Uni...really looking forward to the course commencement!

This sat morning will be the orientation for new students which I'll be attending together with Hubby. So exciting that we'll be going to study in the same college! Although he's signed up for the block modules (which means that instead of attending lessons weekly, he attends 3 full day of lessons) and I've signed up for the weekly modules, in future we'll be able to attend certain core modules Hermeneutics :)

Things still yet to be accomplished: becoming to be a more confident driver! Right now, I've been very slack in practicing my driving...i'm simply not motivated I always tell Hubby, I rather be a good passenger than a lousy driver...for now, driving is NOT something I enjoy doing, being chauffered is...haha...So for now, I'm STILL being chauffered around quite abit...but economically, it makes better sense for me to drive myself, then we don't need to pay for season parking at Hub's workplace ($150 per month hor!) and I don't have to trouble him to ferry me all the time. My only concern is that if I'm tired after a day's work plus lessons, would I have the concentration and alertness to drive at night on my own...sigh...such is my dilemma...but still, I would want to be able to drive myself around very soon...

Have been disappointed about certain things this week, but am glad that my lessons are starting soon and that'll distract me abit.

On a side note, we went to watch the Dark Knight yesterday...had 2 free movie passes :) Didn't enjoy it very much as I felt that certain scenes were too graphic and violent for me (I happen to have a very low tolerance level for graphic and violent scenes). Although I must say that the plot was quite well written...I like underlying theme of the movie: that nothing is what it seems, people who look good may not be so, and people who are labelled villians may turn out to be the true hero...and being a hero doesn't always mean you are appreciated. Overall, I would say this is a good movie...I enjoyed the story, but didn't enjoy watching it.

We have 2 more movie passes for any movies screened at Shaw cinemas :) Hubby and I are still debating on whether to watch Money No Enough 2...


Anonymous said...

Hey babe! Long long time no post here le hahah! Just want to say, enjoy your classes!!! :D

Cookie-Ling said...

Thanks gal!