Last night, before we went to bed, I was casually half singing half whispering some nonsense things...something which I always like to do. Before I could figure out what I could sing for the next line, Hubby very spontaneously and immediately sung the next 2 lines for me:
Me: (To the tune of "I Hear Thunder")
I love red bean, I love red bean
Red bean soup! Red bean soup!
Peanuts in the Red Bean, Peanuts in the Red Bean
Red bean soup! Red bean soup!
It was a classic moment I tell ya...both of us burst into uncontrollable laughter after that! I totally did not expect Hubby to actually join me in my was just hilarious!
And as you might have guessed it....yes, I made red bean soup with peanuts last night...haha...
Entering a new phase...
The Red Bean Song
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, July 31, 2007 0 comments
What's up for the week?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Just some random updates of what happened during since the last post...sort of counting my blessings :)
Last weekend was movie weekend! Hubby had 4 movie vouchers which are expiring soon so we decided to catch 2 movies. All along I thought that the vouchers could only be used for those listed under "No Restrictions", which means the older shows....but because this was a voucher that was bought with cash instead of redeemed with credit card points, we could actually watch any movies we like!!
So on friday, we went to Lido to watch Transformers. At first I thought I wouldn't like it, but it turned out pretty ok! There wasn't a moment of boredom in the show but everything was rather fast paced and action-packed. Hubby and I enjoyed the show...especially Hubby :)
Then on saturday, we went to watch Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix. This one wasn't as good as transformer, I felt. I didn't follow the Harry Potter series so felt abit watching one episode of a serial drama. There were moments I felt bored during the movie...and I think th storyline isn't as exciting as I anticipated it to be. I did enjoy their British accent though...haha...
On saturday, both Hun and I had worship duty and training in the evening. So from 4:30pm to 10pm, we were in church. Then on sunday, after church, we had lunch with my parents and later on we went to buy some stuffs to cook for Hun's family for dinner. Dinner was nice...sweet potato porridge with fried veg, fried fish with tomato sauce, steamed eggs with salted egg, century eggs and minced meat, and braised peanuts with mushrooms and beancurd. As usual, Hun's family enjoyed the dinner...but for the first time, we couldn't finish the food! I think their capacity as also decreased somewhat. Initially our plans were to visit them at their place, but I decided to cook cos I didn't want them to eat outside food so much...thought a home-cooked meal is healthier and more heartwarming. Also, they can come and enjoy the "facilities" at my mom in law loves our sofa and eldest bro in law loves the SCV...haha
Then on monday, we went back to my home for nice home cooked meal by mom. So happy to see my little Fusuke again...cos I see him only once a week now, can see the difference in the length of his coat of fur everytime I go back home!!
Yesterday, we had our first cell group meeting at our home! It was a nice sharing and getting to know each other sessions. Thanks to my cell leader and all the efforts she has put into getting the cell together. Looking forward to the future sessions!
For today, I'll be home alone cos Hun's got a gathering with his friends. Was supposed to go back my parent's place but realised that I have to bring some bulky items back home for the event where I need to be involved in on Sunday. Tomorrow and Friday, Hun and I will be attending a marriage enrichment course...looking forward to see what this course offers!! hehe...
Busy busy!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, July 25, 2007 0 comments
I'm really going for a holiday!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Yeah!! Dad is bringing the whole family on a short trip to Malaysia! He is also paying for Hubby and my accomodation there! Yeah! The plan is to take an overnight coach to Penang on 14 Sept (Fri) and arrive at Penang eary next morning (15 Sept, Sat). We'll stay in Penang for 2 nights and make our way to KL on 17 Sept, Monday morning. Thereafter, we'll stay for a night in KL and return to Singapore on 18 Sept, Tues late afternoon or evening.
I'm so looking forward to the break and shopping!! Good news is that we'll be travelling by Grasslands Express and staying at 2 very nice hotels :) Yeah!! Can't wait for the trip to happen!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, July 19, 2007 0 comments
I wanna travel!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Been itching to go for a short holiday or tour lately....not that I have any idea where to go to...probably Malaysia? shopping trip? Relaxing and scenery trip? Really have no idea. No idea what to do during the trip also...but just wanna get away from Singapore!!
Been feeling stressed and tensed lately too...there seems to be an unending list of things to do all the time...but yet I'm super unmotivated to do them...resulting in a whole lot of backlog, which adds to my unending list of unaccomplished task. It's a vicious cycle!
In the heart of it all, all I want to do is run away...get away for awhile and leave Singapore and all that's associated with it behind. Think it's bad cos I'm sorta getting to a point where I no longer feel guilt about not completing my tasks...and enjoying the adrenaline cum stress when I need to meet deadlines. But when I'm stressed about deadlines, I just wanna take flight.
Contradictory hor? Maybe I'm just tired of working lah...but I'm bored at home too. Just feeling very restless lately...maybe a break would help. My Banyan Tree honeymoon 2 months back was enjoyable...basically we just eat, spa and 'nua' our 4 days there. But I thought that was too short.
Maybe what I need now is a long long break of doing the extend that I'll look forward to working again! In short, I think I really wanna go somewhere lah...but time and money is a big challenge! Considering we are a typical Singaporean couple who has loans and instalments to keep up...working our asses off to pay the monthly debts!
And somehow we're so busy money also no time...will see how...cos Hubby wants a break too..maybe plan a short trip to KL or something lah...visit malaysia year..must go there sometime this year...go and eat and shop also shiok!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, July 18, 2007 0 comments
Honeymoon Photos
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
And my honeymoon photos here. We had a great time at Banyan Tree Bintan! The villa we stayed was great and everything there was simply first class! We had our very own jacuzzi pool too :) Tho it was just 45mins away from Singapore, it was truly paradise!
Let the pictures do the talking...I'm definitely going back to Banyan Tree again!
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Honeymoon! |
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, July 17, 2007 0 comments
Photos of my home...finally!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Finally gotten down to take pictures of my home!
Can view them here!
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My Home! |
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, July 16, 2007 0 comments
The Charity Show
It has happened! Kinda of exciting since this was the first time I've ever stepped into MediaCorp compound. The event went pretty well and the stage and studio was much smaller that it appears on TV. Was amused by what went on during commercial breaks and I didn't know that the audience get to see the commercials as well!
During the post show reception, I got to see many celebrities as well. But realised that maybe I'm more grown up now...didn't really feel special seeing them. It was more like yar..they are humans too, just working in a different line from me.
In any case, I enjoyed the show pretty much, besides the headache that has been bothering me since afternoon. It was down to earth, simple and no frills. It wasn't like those which needed the celebs to inflict pain and danger to themselves to get the money. So it was nice.
Ironically, I was looking at the large screen most of the time rather than on stage where the action is live. That's cos the stage lightings are so bright! looking at them made my headache worse...the other reason is also I can only see the number of calls on screen. Actually what I see on the screen is precisely what you guys see on TV!!
Met a few people there too...firstly it was Hubby's brother who got tickets from a friend who works in one of the banks who are our donors. Also met my uni friend had a nice short time of catching up.
Overall, it was quite an experience! Went home and was lookng forward to a nice time alone with Hubby to unwind...but didn't know my in-laws were still at my home. So didn't get a chance to really sit down and talk to Hubby cos he was busy ironing his own clothes.
In any case, we're chilling out tonight! Yeah! I really need the relaxation...have been sleeping very little the past week!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, July 16, 2007 0 comments
Excitement's in the air!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Almost everyone is office is getting excited lately for our upcoming TV show. It's the first for us and many of us will get to go to the MediaCorp studio to watch the event live! And also be on usher duty.
Am personally looking forward to it! Never been to MediaCorp before...haha...but what's most important, to look forward to the funds being raised to help our clients!!
Must watch our charity show on Channel 8 this sunday ok? hehe...
Check out our TVCs! Think some of you may have already seen it on TV :)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, July 12, 2007 0 comments
Overdone Eggs!
Wanted to make soft boil eggs for Hubby's breakfast today...was over paranoid with the egg being undercooked, I ended up boiling them for too long and they turned hard boiled!! haha...
So Hubby had 2 tau sar pau, coffee and 2 hardboiled eggs for breakfast! haha...
Tomorrow cannot boil for so long liao!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, July 12, 2007 0 comments
Suddenly thought about this...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
How many times in life do we get to "almost lose" someone? Sometimes we don't lose, sometimes we lose completely...then it's too late to show love. We are blessed if we "almost lose" but got it back...then whatever or whoever we almost lost becomes very precious and we treat him/her/it with utmost care.
What about those we haven't lost yet? Can we be sure that we will have the chance to "almost lose" them when something happens? What if we lost them during that one unfortunate incident? Shouldn't we be also treating those we haven't lose yet extra nicely too? but most of the time those we haven't come close to losing yet is taken from granted...but then, how can anyone know how close we are to losing someone?
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, July 11, 2007 0 comments
Dogs can talk!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Haha...a friend sent this to me. This is so cute!! This pug response with "I love you" when the owner says "I love you" to him!
Well, my own shih tzu is not to be outdone! He can say "now" when I ask him "you want bread?"
Aren't they darlings?
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, July 09, 2007 0 comments
2 months
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Tomorrow marks the end of our 2nd month of marriage. Looking at our DVD of our actual day, it still feels very surreal. Besides feeling like it was a dream, I really have no vivid recollection of what happened that's just all very dreamlike, very unreal.
Guess I've gotten used to staying together with Hubby now, it was much easier than I thought! For one, being the light sleeper that I am, I thought I wouldn't get use to having someone sleep beside me. But it wasn't that bad...I sort of adapted to that almost immediately.
But I must admit that I do feel much more tired than before, there just seems to be so much more responsibilities now that I'm someone's wife! Many things I know Hun does not expect of me, or at least not explicitly, but I feel obligated to do it. For example, whenever we are not out shopping (for groceries and household items!) or visiting parents, whenever we both knock off on time to go back home for dinner, I would very much like to cook...just so that we both can enjoy a nutritious meal.
Hun shares in the household chores and he does a very good job at keeping things neat and tidy, which I'm thankful for. I'm the one in-charge of keeping things clean. Tho he helps out, but I feel that the responsibility lies on my shoulder, while Hun is my helper. Maybe that's why I feel so tired all the time. Must take good care of the house and of hubby...and my work.
Don't know if Hun feels tired, maybe guys are just wired differently. Perhaps he thinks that I'm a grown up and can take care of myself well, so he doesn't need to worry about me. But maybe a wife is just different lah...the hubby is also a grown up and can take care of himself, but wife will always see that he can't! haha...maternal instincts? hmm...
Maybe I feel that I no longer have time for myself. Or maybe I don't know what to do if I have time for myself. Other than the 4 days of MC I took since we got married, monday was perhaps that first time I had time for myself. I took leave as I knew I would be exhausted from the overnight 30km walk friday through saturday, followed by 2 consecutive housewarming party on sunday.
What did I do? Did the laundry ( it has become one of my favourite chore...never seem to be an end to washing!!)...completed my Condor Hero and took a nap. I had planned to iron Hun's clothes for the week...but clean forgotten about it! Perhaps I was just too tired..haha..
Just so many things on my mind...and endless list of household responsibilities that just keeps repeating itself week after week. Then I had a realization that perhaps this is it: I'm not living just for myself anymore! I'm sharing a life with someone...not just a house or a home, but my life. Everything about me may have to adjust to accomodate Hun in my life.
No, I'm not complaining...but these little realizations help me cope better. Perhaps I was really not prepared for marriage, but then again I do not think anyone can be fully prepared for it anyway. I'm learning along the way. Someone once said that a marriage brings out the best and the worst in the person, and I totally believe it to be true! I have surprised myself these 2 months about my abilities to cope as a wife...I've probably done more housework these 2 months than I had in the last 2 years! As for the worst, I don't know...will have to leave Hun to provide the feedback for me...haha...
All I can say is that it's a learning journey...and I think it's preparing me to face the next challenge...when our first children (I'm hoping to have twins when we do conceive! hehe) come along...maybe all these coping with lesser time for myself is good practice when the children coming popping then I think we REALLY will have no time for ourselves.
All in all, marriage has been anything but what I imagined it to be...not as fairytale, as happily-ever-after as I thought it would be. On the contrary, it's very down to earth and very real. It's not sweet like the courtship days, but it's blissful because we're a family now...not just 2 separate persons in love, but 1 family. Blissful, that's how I would describe our life now :)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, July 04, 2007 0 comments
More housewarmings!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
We had our last round of housewarming on Sunday.
As I overslept on Sat for evening service at G1, and sweet sweet hubby didn't wake me up cos I was in such a deep sleep from the fatigue of the overnight walk, we decided to go for 9am service at G1 on sunday.
After service, we went home and waited for Hun's relatives to arrive. We told them 1pm and most of them came on time! We really thank God that many of them turned up cos they were not able to confirm initially and we thought we had overcatered. But it ended up quite ok!
Then at about 5 plus, Hun's family left and that's when my side of the relatives started to arrive. The food came about that time too. They stayed and watched Condor Hero which was showing on TV that evening.
All in all, we had a great time! And also thank God for the angpows and gifts that our relatives gave to us :) But for now, we're taking a break from houseparties...tired!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, July 03, 2007 0 comments
Breaking Barriers!
This is the picture of the morning after we broke the 30km barrier!
Last friday night, I walked with several other colleagues and clients on wheelchair from SPD HQ which is at Tiong Bahru to SPD Tampines! It was a 30km overnight walk to signify SPD's expansion and the addition of our services to the east. This is also in-line with our upcoming TV show. All in all it was really a very fulfilling experience. All of us never believed that this was possible! Imagine travelling on foot from Tiong Bahru all the way to Tampines!!
The trek was divided into 3 legs. Leg 1 was from SPD HQ to East Coast Park acDonalds. We flagged off at about 10:30pm on friday evening and reached East Coast at about 2:30pm or so after a 4 hours walk.
There we rested for about 30 to 40mins and begun Leg 2, which is from East Coast to Tampines stadium. Again we were ahead of time! We reached one of our rest points at a 24 hour coffeeshop and rested there for an hour before we proceeded with our walk. By about 7am, we reached Tampines stadium!
What an accomplishment! I didn't complete the last leg though...since I did not have any duties at the stadium, I followed one of the transport which ferried me from Tampines stadium to SPD Tampines centre. When I reached, I took a short tour of our centre and then took a cab home. As I was feeling quite tired by then, I wanted to leave before the crowd came.
The feeling is so surreal! Can't believe I actually walked that far! Really glad I signed up for this :)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, July 03, 2007 0 comments