Hello, I'm back!

Monday, May 14, 2007

After more than a month of dormancy on Cookiejar, I'm back!!

It's been a busy month with my wedding and housing....but I'm glad that the wedding's finally over! Today's the 10th day of my marriage, and I'm enjoying every bit of it...even the housework! haha....It just feels different when you have your own home...you just wanna keep everything nice and neat!

Yesterday night we officially used our iron for the first time...it was quite a disaster :( the steam iron keeps dripping water that we decided to drain all the water out and use it just as a normal iron instead...but I'm gonna try it with water again!

Hun's been great with the housework...he helped to clean the floors and the kitchen while I did the laundry and also the floors. He's such a neat person and now my home is so organized and neat! Over the weekend, we had both our parents over to visit and we could tell that they liked our place very much :)

Honeymoon was great too! Will blog more about that when the pics are up...*wink*

Started work today...so it's another phase...no more honeymoon liao...praying that we'll learn to adjust to mundane life and make excitement out of our daily routines to keep our romance alive in marriage!

But for the moment...I'm still sleepy...maybe it's just work lah...not in the working gear yet...haha...


Anonymous said...

hey! on the iron part, i got that too the first time i tried out the iron! i figured out it's mostly coz the iron heat not high enough! try turn on your iron to higher temp and see how?

Cookie-Ling said...

hmm...maybe hor? ok, will try again! thanks gal!