Bro's Gig @ Bar None

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Went to Bar None to support my bro's first 'official' gig that his band (You And Whose Army?) is performing. Must say that it was a great show considering it was their first! Could see the band really put in effort in their work. Played about 6 to 7 numbers, out of which only 1 was not their original work. I'm really amazed...tho i'm not really an indie/rock/alternative or whatever you call that kind of music person, i enjoyed myself :) I enjoyed the way they wrote their songs, and their's just beautiful when something so intricate and complex can come out of mere inspiration. The band really played as one and connected with each other. Of course the crowd was good too! Mostly their friends I would say...and a couple of members from a renowned local band came to lend their support too.

Could see my bro was nervous at the beginning, and totally high when the gig ended. Can see the joy and sense of achievement written all over his face! Glad to see him taking something so seriously and going this far with it...great job YAWA?!