How do You do it?
For what You have done, You were never fully appreciated.
We are weak and our minds are dull; We can never fully comprehend
the depth and width of Your love and sacrifice.
Yet, Your love never ceases, nor does it diminish.
It goes on and on through eternity.
Despite the hurts and disappointments time and time again,
over the years, decades, centuries, millenium,
Your love goes on.
How do You do it?
Because it's so unconditional, it's often taken for granted.
Yet it goes on, always sacrificing, always loving.
It's a priceless gift given free, but so often trampled upon.
At times it even becomes an expectations that it ought to be given!
Sometimes the receiver feels this way:"
Since You've made a choice to give it, and You gave it willingly,
You should not expect returns."
Some people might say:
"Don't blame me for not appreciating it, I didn't force You to do that for me!"
Yet, Your love goes on.
How do You do it?
Giving in a measure that no returns can ever match up,
yet doing it willingly.
You must surely feel the pain.
There must have been times You wanted to give up,
times when You wonder if it's all worth it,
times when You thought about Yourself,
wondering what You'll get in return for Your sacrifice.
But yet You did what You did with such love and graciousness,
without a word of complaint, but in total submission,
and wanting nothing except to show Your love.
How do You do it?
It must have been such a lonely journey.
You are always in a crowd, but yet always alone.
But in loneliness, You reached out with Your love.
In loneliness, You had the strength to love
because You are love and love is You.
Everything You did, You did because You love.
Your love is so great and awesome,
unfathomable by human understanding.
Your never give up loving.
How do You do it?
Even when all at once,
the extend of Your love becomes crystal clear,
it is often quickly forgotten again.
Yet Your love goes on,
not wavered by the weaknesses of Your creation.
There must have been times when You thought:
"They finally understood!",
only to find that in a twinkling of an eye,
they have forgotten again.
You must have experienced heartaches after heartaches,
but Your love never ceases.
How to You do it?
No wonder Your greatest desire
is for us to know Your heart!
Nothing we offer will be compared to the joy of us knowing Your heart.
We are just like You, we too seek to be heard, to be understood,
to be emphatised with above all else.
We are Your creation, and that's why You have created in us
a heart that beats just like Yours.
But yet we can't compare to You,
because ever so often we only want to receive other's love,
but not to love others.
When we get hurt, discouraged and disappointed,
we choose to stop loving.
It is so hard to keep on loving in spite of the hurts,
so we don't.
But You did, and still keep on loving.
How do we find strength to love like You do?
How do we do it?
How do I do it?
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