Blame it on the weather

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I've NO time to blog!!

Somehow since I started to work...blogging has become history again...maybe nothing very much to update also lah...but since today me on leave....decided to write something to keep this alive.

Been feeling sick often recently...tink it's due to environmental stress...the weather has NOT been good...and my body is reacting to it. Today came the worst headache I've ever experienced. It's not really very painful...but just very tensed...and I teared uncontrollably at times. The weather is really HOT!!

But after 5 Yin Qiao pills and 2 panadols and sleep, sleep, sleep..I do feel better. Thank God for healing! Perhaps this is also a way for my body to rest and recuperate from being on overdrive. Not that I'm overworked or very busy these days....just that perhaps that weather's been cruel.

I think I have a very sensitive body....very reactive to the external environment..hmm...

But do feel quite paiseh to have been reporting sick the 2nd time in 2 months! But then far since I started work...there has been at least 1 staff on MC everyday...must be the weather!

Glad I do feel better to work tomorrow!!