Did a calculation and realised that I'm already less than 100 days from my due date! Seems like just yesterday when I discovered I'm pregnant...now I'm into my final trimester! Went baby-stuff shopping with hubby and mom last saturday and it kicked of the excitement to want to start buying more things! Just an account of what things we have gotten so far:
1. 2nd hand Baby Cot (given by hubby's colleague) - to be used at my mom's place
2. 2nd hand Baby Cot with wheels for our own home, made of teak wood, complete with mattress, bumpers, bedsheets, pillow and bolster cases, new set of pillow and bolster and a mobile @ $80 - Cot is of good quality and ordered from Japan, saw it in SMH forum and arranged to buy it on the same day!
3. New "Classic Pooh" bumper + sheets set @ $109 (Given by mom!)
4. 2nd hand stroller @ $75 (UP $199) - the kind we like, those that can accomodate infant to kids up to 25kg. Reversible handle too!
5. New Baby clothings - all given by mom.
Now I'm starting to put a list of things to buy to prepare for the arrival of the little one.
We also need to prepare for a helper and the stuffs she'll need...wardrobe, bedframe and mattress, new sheets etc.
And...we need a new car...our dear little red suzuki decided to die on us this morning...couldn't get it's engine started....it has shown signs some weeks back, we almost couldn't start it 2 weeks ago as well, but finally it did after a while, and a prayer. But not this morning...was supposed to fetch Hubby to his camp and then take the car for the day, but it didn't start. Tried again at noon when I was coming to work but still couldn't get it started...later today hubby is going to get his dad to help and see if using a new battery works.
We've been praying for a new car and perhaps this is a last straw! A "series of unfortunate events" sparked our intention to start sourcing for a new car.....
First, my bro got into an accident and the bumper was dented, and when someone sits on the right rear passenger seat, the mudguard will contact the wheels....we're thinking to start getting a new car or to repair it...but repairing a 17 year old car doesn't seem very worthwhile...besides, the fuel consumption is pretty high for this car. But after rationalizing, we decided we can still live with this car...save money for now...
Next, hubby got into a minor accident and "kissed" the bumper of a Lexus...thankfully the owner was so nice and at that time was also in the midst of changing to another car that all he asked for was for hubby to treat him to breakfast as compensation (turns out they work in the same company! haha...). Again, after some discussion, we decided that the 2 accidents resulted only in cosmetic damages...car still can use mah....save money...stick to it till we have better means to pay for car loan.
Then, mysteriously our oil tank started leaking, not the drip-drip-drip at the bottom kind....but its like a fountain flowing out from the small opening where you insert the petrol pump! A couple of times we have seen petrol gush out through the little door that hides the oil tank opening..means it actually managed to flow-out through the cap and then out of the door! Again, we countered that by ensuring that we never pump till full tank...so can still use for now...
Now, the engine cannot be started...is this a sign or what?
This is a season where we are really living by faith! Just when we are starting to spend more in buying baby stuffs, we now face the pressing need of getting another car sooner than we had planned...it doesn't help that within the same month, income tax is due and we just spent quite a sum on our school fees for the new school term....
And it's really interesting how it is at this very moment that God has impressed upon hubby's heart to make a donation of a significant amount to a famous christian mission organization. Hubby gave in obediance and faith and we stand together to believe that God has His plans to direct us to give at this point in time, and we will receive even greater blessings because we acted in faith.
Through it all, all I can say is God is good and despite the circumstances and what our eyes can see, we'll continue to put our faith in Him as our Provider and Shepherd. I thank God that He has given me a heart of joy and gave me the ability to see my circumstances as "exciting" rather than "dire"...it's really exciting to live in God's providence.
Entering a new phase...
Last lap...and challenges faced!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, May 26, 2009 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
4 weeks ago, Baby Caleb was described at "chubby", yesterday at 24 weeks and 5 days, he is described by the doc as "fat"!! And he was being so mischievious yesterday, the doc had hard time trying to take a good picture of his stomach to gauge his weight, and the reason is because he was really excited and kept moving! So amused to see him dancing in my belly :)
When the doc finally got a good pic, he took a measurement and announced that our Caleb is weighing about 700grams now....when he should be weighing about 600grams. Although a little overweight, the doc assured us there's not much to be concerned about as he is still not yet oversized. Hubby and I concluded it must be the cruise trip and all the sumptuous food that caused Caleb the increase in weight! haha...
But I was really glad to see that he is growing so well, and now I finally know why I'm feeling hungry all the time now! Yesterday's scan has also confirmed that the flutterings that I'm feeling is really Caleb's movement, and not just stomach gases :) The doc gave us a print out as usual, and this time it was one that captured his round and chubby face. During the last scan, we could see his chins and slightly chubby cheeks...this time, it's like a perfect circle...no more chin! Starting to look like mashmellow man...
Hopefully he doesn't get too big and I can deliver him naturally! Counting down to the last 15 weeks :)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, May 12, 2009 0 comments
A New Trimester
Friday, May 08, 2009
Started school again after about a month's break. This will be my last school trimester before Caleb arrives, and also my nearing my last trimester of pregnancy. This trimester is going to be fun (I think), as I've chosen to take Biblical Worship and Band Dynamics as my modules. Just went for the BD class yesterday and glad that there is no exams for this! Just 2 group projects with individual written reports...sounds manageable so far :) Keeping my fingers crossed that BW will also not be too heavy.
Baby Caleb is also growing well, and I'm feeling him more now although it still feels like bubbles and no distinct kicks yet...maybe I have too much fats around my stomach, that's why. I've noticed that he's more active whenever I'm eating...noticed it especially during my cruise trip. Don't feel him move so much except during meal times!
I'm getting more visibly pregnant now...and more people are starting to ask me "Are you pregnant?". But most of them think I still look quite small in my 6th month...which is totally fine with me :) I'm glad that at this stage, I still can "hide" my tummy :) Starting to feeling a little more clumsy now too...I'm starting to have difficulty bending over to wear my pants, bending over to adjust the car seat, and also changing gears when driving...although the baby bump is not too big yet, I'm already starting to feel that it's getting in the way...sometimes when I bend over, I wonder if I'm squashing poor Baby Caleb inside. Starting to feel more easily tired again these few days...and currently I'm teaching a course in church, and I feel breathless when I teach! But thank God for sustaining me.
Last 2 weeks have been nothing but blessings...a friend blessed us with a big ang pow, Hubby's colleage ius blessing us with a baby cot...we see God's providence every step of the way and we are thankful and excited at the same time.
For now, we're praying for God to continue to sustain us financially and also to bring a good domestic helper to us! Although I do wish to be a full time mummy, but for the moment it would be wiser and more economical for me to continue my part-time work arrangements and hire a helper to take care of Baby when I'm out working or studying or teaching piano, and most importantly....housework! We're also praying that God will give us grace to be good employers and help us get used to staying with another person in the house!
16 more weeks to go...hope the time quickly comes! I can't wait to meet our little boy face to face!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Friday, May 08, 2009 0 comments