A Christmas random post...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Returned from Sarawak last week and fell sick for 3 days! Had a low-grade fever that didn't really subside so I got abit worried and thought it was dengue. But thank God I am fine now, Doc said that it was probably because I fell ill right before my trip and did not have an opportunity to recover well, so my viral infection was not completely healed. But I'm fine now :)

Thank God for a successful preformance at Orchard on sunday! although there were a few hiccups, but I would say it's a good show overall, considering the short notice we had! The next 2 shows will be on Christmas Eve (tonight!) and Christmas day...am hoping and believing it will be even better since we are doing it at home ground and with the full backdrop and props. Praying for a successful and fruitful event these 2 nights!

I'm glad it's Christmas again, and this Christmas holds a very special meaning for us :)


Anonymous said...

Oooh, good news? *winks*