Started on my exercise regime....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Finally motivated myself to start exercising again. Woke up yesterday early in the morning to brisk walk at the track near my home. Everything went well up till the time when I was doing my cool down...suddenly felt really sick and nauseous in my stomach, and felt like I was going to faint anytime....thankfully I was doing my cool downs right at my door step, so I could rush back in. Didn't puke but had that puking spasm in my stomach...after that I just started to break out in cold sweat...thankfully after resting for about 5 mins and keeping my head low, I was fine.

Guess it's because I didn't exercise for too long...decided not to push myself too hard, and since I slept really late last night, didn't go for my morning walk today. But I eventually got a chance to walk cos I went on a home-visit this morning, and instead of taking the feeder bus, I walked to my client's home...a good 20 mins walk! Comes with a price after breakfast I felt the puking sensation again but was ok after that. Now after lunch, the feeling is back again...and fainting spells too...tink my body needs to get used to exercise again soon!! And I'll have to start to go to bed earlier I can wake up early to walk.

Really hope I can persevere in my attempt at fitness this time around!


amelia thinks said...

Could it be something else??

Cookie-Ling said...

Haha...don't think so lah :) used to get it in school as well when I was made to do running for PE I sort of half expected it to happen again.