Haha....suddenly decided to test and see if the new toaster in my home can make cookies since it has a control which allows me to turn on the top or bottom heating coil or both.
Here's the end results!
I think it came out pretty well...mom and bro both said it was nice.
Personally, found it a little too soft and sweet...but it hardens up when it's refrigerated :) But the happy thing is that now I know the toaster CAN bake things! Just that I'll have to watch the time very carefully and bake at smaller time intervals in case the temperature gets too high and my things get burnt!
Here's the recipe:
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
1/2 cup chunky or smooth peanut butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/2 cup brown sugar (I think you can reduce the amount by half if you don't want it so sweet)
1 egg
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
(what's the difference?! I dunno...so I used 1 teaspoon of double action baking powder instead)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips (can replace with the baking M&Ms)
1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
Preheat oven to 375°.
Cream the butter, peanut butter and sugars until light. Add the egg and mix until fluffy.
Blend the flour, baking powder, soda and salt together well.
Add these dry ingredients to the butter mixture. Add the chocolate chips.
Drop cookie dough by teaspoonfuls onto lightly greased baking sheets.
Bake for 10-12 minutes at 375°
NB: If you're using a toasted oven like me, likely you'll not be able to control the temperature. Instead you can try to shorten the baking time to 3-5 mins, baking in intervals until they turn brown.
Accomplishment :) next up...muffins perhaps?
Entering a new phase...
Cookie made cookies!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, November 30, 2006 0 comments
Have a cuppa...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Here's something Hun sent me which I thought is quite nice to post. A meaningful life lesson using coffee as an analogy...
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together tovisit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned intocomplaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee,the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal,plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said:"If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up,leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is but normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself, adds no quality tothe coffee in most cases, in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... and then began eyeing each other's cups.
Now consider this: Life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and positionin society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life,and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality ofLife we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail toenjoy the coffee God has provided us.
..........enjoy your coffee.
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, November 29, 2006 0 comments
Appreciating the little joys in life....
1. God meeting my little-lest needs
I woke up late today and was in a rush in order not to be late for work. As a result, I didn't have time to buy fresh milk to go with my cereals. When I reached office, I was just telling myself to have milo for breakfast will do. When I was washing my cups and pot at the pantry area, I saw my colleague cutting a loaf of bread which she bought yesterday and offer me some. Thank God for providing breakfast!!
This wasn't the first time God has in his own way provided me with food when I did not have. Thank God for looking out for me in small ways like these, and in providing for my needs even when I myself do not feel that I need it. God loves in big and small ways indeed!
2. Being able to buy the things that I like!
As mentioned in my previous post, I bought quite a number of new things over the weekend...here are some of my 'spoils':
3 new pairs of shoes at only $25!
Iora blouse for $15 & skirt for $23!
3. Wearing my own hand-made accessories
Made this 3-strand beads necklace on sunday :)
3. Watching Fusuke fall asleep...ZzzZzz...
My ever-sleepy furball....so sweet :D
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, November 29, 2006 0 comments
Shopping Spree!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Last weekend was shopping spree weekend!
Iora was having a roadshow at Tiong Bahru Plaza so I went to have a look...ended up buying a black blouse for $15 and pink skirt for $23. I thought it was a good bargain cos I looked through almost everything they have there...and I really felt that compared to the rest, these 2 are really worth the price and it's something I like to wear. Plus I needed more office wear anyway...haha....
Next, I went to the Face Shop and bought a pore minimizer essence at $32.90. It was also something that I've been wanting to get since I felt that my skin wasn't as nice as last time...*sobsob*...kept complaining to my colleagues and Hun that my skin is aging liao...now I know that what they say is true....women start to age at 25 onwards. Really...I mean I really felt a big difference in my skin 5 years ago and now. Now it seems to take a longer time regain it's smoothness and healthy colour. Whereas when I was still schooling, without taking much care of my skin, it still looks good! I feel like I'm losing my youth!! So now is the time for remedy! Hopefully by the time of my wedding I will really look my best :) For the moment, must remind myself to stay stress-free and happy...and get enough beauty sleep! No more going to bed past midnight!!
Ok....I've deviated...haha.....back to shopping. Last Saturday, I went to IMM with mom after dinner...Hun had a road show there and I wanted to spring him a surprise. But he was too clever lah...he knew I was going. When we reached IMM, we went to Heart to Heart and mom saw a ring that she liked very much. I will be getting her that as a Christmas gift. Then we passed by a Kiosk that sells earrings and I bought 3 pairs of earrings for $5. AFter that, we went to Poh Heng and mom saw a pearl pendent and earrings that she liked very much and was seriously considering buying. So we asked abt the cost and everything...Again, like my Destinee pendant and earrings, she asked us to pay by credit card 0% interest instalment and she'll give us the cash. We didn't buy it then as the shop was closing, but we did ask the guy to reserve the set for us and we'll go back on sunday to get it. After that, we had a quick cup of coffee before we parted our ways with Hun. On the way to the bus stop, we passed by this kiosk selling streetwear and shoes. Their shoes were on sale and going for $9.90 a pair and $16.90 for 2 pairs!! I saw 2 pairs that I liked and mom saw 1...when she couldn't find a second pair she liked, I got to choose my third pair! In the end, I chose a pair or white, a pair of black (same design as the white) and a pair of green heels. Mom got a pair of brown heels which was the same design as my green ones.
Then on sunday, we went back to IMM to get the jewellery from Poh Heng. As we were waiting for Hun to end his road show, we went to DMK to find my wedding shoes. And indeed I found them!! I bought a pair of white shiny heels with covered heel and slightly open-toe to match my wedding gowns. And I bought a pair of golden strapped heels to match my evening gowns :) The white one was $39.90 while the gold one costs $49.90. We also finally purchased my mom's pearl jewellery and she was so happy she could find something she liked that she can wear for my wedding :) After that we went Heart to Heart to look at her ring again, but we can't find it. THe salesgirl said the ring did not have her size....strange...mom just tried it on saturday! But anyway...mom was a little disappointed, but she rationalized that her ring would be quite easy to find :) Maybe I would tell her a bigger budget so she can choose something nicer! Afterall, I'm getting my bonus....hopefully!
It has really been a "bountiful" weekend...ha!
1. Iora Blouse ($15) & Skirt ($23) : $38
2. The Face Shop Pore Minimizer Essence: $32.90
3. 3 Pairs of earrings: $5
4. 4 new pairs of shoes: $33.80
5. 2 pairs of shoes for my wedding: $89.80
A total of 12 items.....All for a little less than $200!! When I would probably have to spend this amount if I were to custom make a pair of shoes for my wedding....Thank God for a fruitful weekend!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, November 27, 2006 1 comments
Too tired...
Friday, November 24, 2006
It must have been lack of sleep for the past one week...feeling tension in my head at my temples and in between my eyes :( the worst thing is that whenever I get headaches like these....sleeping doesn't help much...cos I can't sleep well in the first place.
God help me through the day!!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Friday, November 24, 2006 0 comments
God's Promise for 2007 for first-borns
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Another prohpetic word by Patricia King. Many first borns are going to be visited supernaturally by God. For those who believe in prophecies, lay hold of this promise for yourselves or your children! For those who may not be into these things, no harm keeping a look out and see if u hear of anyone who's been visit by God and his heavenly hosts.
I'm gonna lay hold of this and pray for God to visit me...I'm a first born too! :D
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, November 23, 2006 0 comments
Eating at my office

Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, November 23, 2006 0 comments
Team Hoyt part 2
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Here's another video on Team Hoyt. With interviews with Dick and Rick. As nice as the first one :) Enjoy!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, November 22, 2006 0 comments
God works in small little ways too
Had initially planned to go for a facial treatment yesterday after work. Went to Tiong Bahru Plaza during lunch to check out the packages and prices....found a good deal at this place called HeartSprings Spa which offers an introductory price for the facial for only $28 for first-timers.
Ends up that my colleagues wanted to go as well and the 3 of us are planning to go together after work coming monday...yeah! But just as well, I received an sms from my mom informing that my granduncle who has been in coma for the past 2 weeks or so have passed away the same morning. So my family will be going down to the wake at night but probably only my dad will go down for the rest of the nights.
She said to leave the decision to me whether or not to go. But the wake is just a walking distance from my home...and it's my father's immediate uncle...not right not to go. So I asked Hun along too since he was the prospective grandnephew-in-law...good thing we did. Met my parents along the way there and ended up having dinner with them...my dad's treat! haha....
In retrospect, think that it was really God's divine planning for me to change my facial plans and be a good girl to go for the wake, and asking Hun along too. I think the little choice to obey pleases Him and my earthly parents too...and is a good testimony to my un-saved relatives. Thank God for His little nudges!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, November 22, 2006 0 comments
Team Hoyt
Monday, November 20, 2006
Hun sent me this video which was sent him by his colleagues. Have been meaning to watch it since last friday by apparently Youtube was having a scheduled downtime so I couldn't access the video.
When I finally got to watch it, it really touched my heart. Especially when I'm working with the physically disabled people now...this is really an inspiration and once again opened my eyes the see the dedication of many care-givers out there. No, they may not have participated in marathons and triathalons, but they have dedicated their time, service and commitments to their loved ones.
Enjoy the video!
For more information on Team Hoyt, visit their website: www.teamhoyt.com
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, November 20, 2006 0 comments
Counting down to CLOWN musical
Friday, November 17, 2006
Was looking at my schedule for the CLOWN musical...will be stuck in VT from 12nn till 11pm almost everyday for the week during the musical. Feeling abit of the stress oredi...5 more combined rehearsals at Trueway, 3 tech runs at and 2 full dress at VT...must polish and perfect my chords really quick!!
The pay-off is of course the experience and the fact that I get to play on a Steinway & Sons grand!! Probably the only time in my life that I would get to do that...and this may be the only time I'll be involved in a musical as part of the band. But then again...if another opportunity comes, I may decide to get involved again! After all, music is one of my greater passions in life. I've always dreamed of being part of the musical as one of the actors...but guess up till now, I don't have the courage to go for the auditions...the thought of acting and memorizing the lines is enough to freak me out!
But joining the CLOWN as a musician was a step of faith. I had initially wanted to join the choir...which I feel was the safest for me...cos there's comfort in numbers. But decided to push my limits a little and audition for the band instead. I must say the whole learning experience as been great. Learn a few things about playing as a band, and a whole lot of new chords!
Overall, the experience is great! And I'm enjoying it more and more as the performances approaches. I have no regrets being part of this musical...except that I have neglected my dear Hun ever since all my saturday evenings were taken up by the rehearsals since October...But still I appreciate your encouragements and support since the day I went for the auditions :)
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Friday, November 17, 2006 0 comments
"I want bread now!"
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
My little darling simply loves bread...to the extend he's learn to talk to express his love for it. Whenever you ask him "Fusuke, you want bread?", he'll reply with a slow motion "Now!". Check it out!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, November 15, 2006 0 comments
Gemstones from Heaven
Monday, November 13, 2006
Just got the permission from the originator's website to post this video up...but sadly, the clip is too long and YouTube does not allow any clips more than 10 minutes. So will just put the link here for those who are interested to take a look at it.
This video is about an elderly couple who had visitations from angels who brought them gemstones from heaven. Here are the pictures of some of the gemstones that he was given.
(See more supernatural pictures)
In the video clip, Patricia King, a minister of God explains the authenticity of this sign and wonder. She tries to answer the question of some viewers who raised the caution that this might all be a hoax. There is also a segment where they interviewed the elderly man who received the gemstones and right during the interview, another gemstone appear!
Are you ready? Do you believe in the awesome signs and wonders of God? Enjoy!
For hi-speed connections, click HERE.
For dial-up connection, click HERE.
For video teachings of other supernatural signs and wonders, visit the Extreme Prophetic website.
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, November 13, 2006 0 comments
"hoon-kee" tea...yucks
Friday, November 10, 2006
Bought tea leaves from NTUC yesterday and made the first brew this morning...it smelled so burnt and smells like cigarettes!! yucks!! And it's supposed to be Zhejiang LongJing tea...yucky :( Think i'm gonna invest in some better quality tea...cannot buy packaged tea leaves from NTUC anymore *bleh*
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Friday, November 10, 2006 0 comments
Fusuke's 30 seconds of Fame!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Fusuke's debut movie!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, November 09, 2006 0 comments
Instant Green Tea
Wanted to buy some tea to drink in office...so went to the provision shop nearby my office to buy before going to work today. And this was what I got...
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Thursday, November 09, 2006 0 comments
Thriller..the original one
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Here's the original MJ Thriller.
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 0 comments
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Bollywood version of the famous MJ number
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, November 07, 2006 0 comments
Another pair of new earrings!
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Tuesday, November 07, 2006 0 comments
Kee House
Monday, November 06, 2006
Haha...saw this at Serangoon...The chinese character for "Qi" is exactly the same as my "Qi"! And the best part is that this is a shop that sells all sorts of arts and crafts materials...hmm...maybe next time I should just buy over the shop from them and add a "h" to "Kee"...no need to change sighboard somemore! hahaha...
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, November 06, 2006 0 comments
Check it out! The leaves of this tree has turned all red! such a pretty contrast to the rest of the green trees...
Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, November 06, 2006 0 comments
I Am Fusuke

Posted by Cookie-Ling at Monday, November 06, 2006 0 comments